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Rhinegold Elite Montpelier Outdoor Rug
  • Rhinegold Elite Montpelier Outdoor Rug

    This striking checked light-mid weight turnout rug has a 600 denier, ripstop, breathable, waterproof outer with 100gsm Polyfill and a breathable nylon lining. A multi-adjustable chest with twin buckles to create the perfect fit and trigger hooks for everyday ease. The neckline and chest panel benefit from a waterproof stretch material to aid in the freedom of movement and comfort for the Horse.

    This rug also features a front shoulder movement pleat with stretch fabric inserts, surcingle guides and an extra- large umbrella style tailguard with reflective tape.

    *Smartly bound in contrasting black and white

    *Smooth Nylon Lining


    *Perfect for Mid- Season

    *Multi adjustable chest

    *100gsm Polyfill

    *Large umbrella style tailguard

    *Stretch Chest Panel

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